Intel’s New SoC Solution Accelerates Electric Vehicle Innovation, Slashing Costs.

The groundbreaking OLEA U310 SoC streamlines e-motor technology, driving down electric vehicle design and manufacturing expenses.

June 11, 2024 – One of the largest obstacles to potential electric vehicle (EV) purchases worldwide is still their high cost1. Due in large part to the high expense of developing improved battery and e-motor technologies, electric vehicles (EVs) are now more expensive to construct than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. Improving the efficiency of current battery technology at the vehicle level through energy savings and better interaction with EV station infrastructure is the short-term solution. With the release of the new OLEA U310 system-on-chip (SoC) today, Silicon Mobility, an Intel company, has successfully addressed this precise difficulty. This next-gen technology promises to significantly improve the overall performance of electric vehicles (EVs), streamline design and production processes, and expand SoC services to ensure seamless operation across various EV station platforms.

The new SoC, which is a first for the industry, is the first all-in-one solution that combines software and hardware, and it is designed to meet the requirements of distributed software-based electrical architectures for powertrain domain control. With its distinct hybrid and heterogeneous architecture, the OLEA 310 FPCU can take the place of up to six conventional microcontrollers in a system configuration that includes an on-board charger, a gearbox, an inverter, a motor, and a DC-DC converter. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and Tier 1 suppliers can regulate a variety of power and energy functions simultaneously and in real time with the 310 FPCU.

Together with the bill of material (BoM) reduction, preliminary data indicates that compared to current EVs, there will be a 5% increase in energy efficiency, a 25% reduction in motor size for the same power, a 35% decrease in cooling requirements, and a 30% reduction in passive component size. With fewer components to incorporate, the new Silicon Mobility technology enables EV makers to develop software-defined electric vehicles with superior performance, increased range, and potentially cheaper production costs. The industry’s transition to an all-electric and software-defined future will be accelerated by the new solution, which also enhances Intel Automotive’s current line of AI-enhanced software-defined vehicle (SDV) SoCs.